Puye's Blog

What we talk about when we talk about Ray Tracing?

Let’s provide a concise overview of ray tracing. We won’t delve into subjects like Monte Carlo and stratified sampling, PBRT, BRDF, rendering equations, denoising techniques, or intricate SDF conce...

Be a Product Manager! - An Example of Using GPT to Debug RTX Bugs

Here’s the Chinese version: 这次我是产品经理—用GPT辅助查RTX的bug实例 In this article, I will discuss how I successfully debugged some RTX code using Cursor. Debugging DX12 RTX code can be quite challenging. Wh...

Introduction to Spherical Gaussians

This article is still an informative introduction, presenting a new spherical basis function and its application in lighting description. Recommended prerequisite reading: Introduction to Spherica...

球面高斯介绍(Spherical Gaussian)

本篇还是比较科普向,介绍了一种新的球面基函数和在光照描述上的应用。前置阅读: 球谐函数介绍(Spherical Harmonics) 大家小学三年级学过概率和统计的话,对正态分布或者高斯分布一定非常了解 [g(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{(\frac{-(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2})}] 拓展到球面也很简单。相比SH的公式...

Introduction to Spherical Harmonics

This article aims to explain Spherical Harmonics in simple terms without using mathematical jargon. It also discusses how SH is applied in Radiometric/Photometric contexts. SH, or Spherical Harmon...

球谐函数介绍(Spherical Harmonics)

English Version: Introduction to Spherical Harmonics 尽量不用各种术语来讲清楚SH(Spherical Harmonics)系数,以及SH在简单光照描述上的应用。 科普向。 SH,球谐函数,归根到底只是一组基函数,至于这组基函数是怎么来的,不管他。 其实大家小学二年级学过泰勒展开和傅里叶变换的话,对基函数应该是非常了解的。 比如多项...